Hola chicas!!
Despues de 1 mes hablando con familias ( por 9 va el marcador a dia de hoy) mi ilusión por todo esto ha ido disminuyendo. Actualmente, tengo trabajo pero en un par de meses finaliza mi contrato y tengo una sensación de cuenta atrás que empieza a agobiarme. Así que he decidio buscar otras vias y opciones laborales por si acaso my american dream se ve frustrado.
¿Habeis oido hablar alguna vez de internships?
Pues ese es mi plan B. Os explico un poquito de que se trata:
Un 'Internship' consiste en realizar prácticas laborales en empresas en el extranjero durante un determinado plazo de tiempo no superior a 18 meses. El tiempo de estancia mínima suele ser de tres meses.Piensa además que si les gustas y están contentos contigo, cabe la posibilidad de que terminen fichándote al finalizar tu contrato o que te lo renueven. Creo que es una buena oportunidad para lanzarte al mundo profesional.
Se trata de untrabajo temporal que a su vez te permite perfeccionar el idioma, conocer un nuevo país, una nueva cultura y entrar en contacto con el mundo laboral. Además de fortalecer tu currículum, ya que las empresas valoran mucho éste tipo de experiencias en sus procesos de selección de personal.
Hay dos modalidades de internship: remuneradas y no remuneradas. Muchas empresas de muchos paises (incluido Estados Unidos) disponen de internships y puedes aplicar mediante portales webs o la propia web de la empresa.
- Estados Unidos:
Como todas sabeis la entrada a EEUU es complicada. Si entrais en en la web de immigración de EEUU podreis ver que tienen un montón de tipos de visados. El necesario para ir de intership es el mismo que el que nos dan para ir de au pair (el visado j-1) que en la agencia te lo venden como un visado exclusivo para au pairs pero NO, surpriseee! jaja
Bien, ¿Porque es el mismo visado, el j-1?
Os explico que es el visado j-1 (definición que podeis encontrar en la web del departamento de immigración estadounidense:
Dirigido a ndividuos quienes toman parte en un gran rango de programas de intercambio para
visitantes patrocinados por escuelas, negocios, y una variedad de organizaciones. Estos programas son previstos para aprendices de negocios e industria, estudiantes, visitantes internacionales, maestros, asistentes de investigación y en misiones culturales. Adicionalmente, hay muchos programas de intercambio para gente joven, incluyendo programas de empleo de verano, programas de puestos internos para estudiantes universitarios, y programas para au-pair & niñeras.
Por lo tanto, la agencia (en mi caso aupaircare) sponsoriza a la persona, esto quiere decir que justifica ante la embajada americana que la persona va EEUU con un trabajo de antemano (eso es sponsorizar). Sin agencia o empresa que te sponsorize olvidate de la visa J-1.
Igual que puedes encontrar empresas como au pair care con las que puedes ir a USA a trabajar de au pair, también puedes encontrar empresas destinadas a los programas de internship como international internships eso si el precio es mucho mas alto. A cambio de pagar mas trabajaras de algo de lo que has estudiado y tendrás un punto muy positivo en tu CV que te permitirá tener mas facilidad a la hora de encontrar trabajo.
Esto es todo chicas!
Ya os seguiré contando! See youu girls!
P.D. A todas aquellas profesoras, miraros esto que os puede interesar: profesores visitantes en usa.
Ponerlo en google y encontrareis toda la información pero se trata de un programa a través del gobierno de España (Departamento de educación) para trabajar como profesora en EEUU.
plan B
Hi everybody!
A month later since my aupairroom was online for the first time, I'm still not having a HF. I've spoken with 10 families and I'm losing the hope.
Right now, I have a job but I will lose it in 2 months and it makes me feel stressed because I need something to do, I need a plan!
I've been thinking a lot and during my Easter holidays in London I got the chance to looking for a job there. I met a girl who talked to me about the possibility of doing an internship. So this is my plan B! (Just in case I won't find a HF who does not fit with me)
Have you ever listened about an internship?
An internship is like a work experience in a foreign country. You will be able to work there (doing an internship programm) during 18 months. The minimum is three months. Furthermore, If the company feels you can fit in their team, you can have the chance of being part of the company as a worker. I think it is a goog chance to start your professional career.
Doing an internship you can improve a new language, discovering a new country and enjoying your free time there.
Your CV will be stronger. You also should know that the companies really appreciate this experience to consider your application. I mean, when you apply for a job in the future.
You can find two ways of internship: non payed and payed. A lot of companies of so many different countries (US included) have internship programs and you can apply for them by too many websites.
United States of America:
All of you know that is pretty difficult to get the US (as a worker I mean). If you visit the website of the Department of Immigration you will see a lot of types of VISA. You will need a J-1 visa to do an internship. OH SURPRISE!! It is exactly the same than the au pair visa. Aupaircare always tell you the J-1 visa is just available for au pairs but it is not!
J-1 visa:
A J-1 visa is a non-immigrant visa issued by the United States to exchange visitors participating in programs that promote cultural exchange, especially to obtain medical or business training within the U.S. All applicants must meet eligibility criteria and be sponsored either by a private sector or government program.
So it is a visa for: internship program, trainee program, au pairs,...
What does aupaircare do for you? (I mean about VISA)
They are an sponsor. Aupaircare is sponsoring you (showing to the embassy you are going to do a cultural exchange, working as au pair). If you don't have an sponsor, you can not get a visa.
Anyway, you can find another companies focused to internship programs like:international internships but you will have to pay more than using an au pair company. You will pay more but you will get a good point in your CV and it will make easier to find a job in the future.
plan B
Hi everybody!
A month later since my aupairroom was online for the first time, I'm still not having a HF. I've spoken with 10 families and I'm losing the hope.
Right now, I have a job but I will lose it in 2 months and it makes me feel stressed because I need something to do, I need a plan!
I've been thinking a lot and during my Easter holidays in London I got the chance to looking for a job there. I met a girl who talked to me about the possibility of doing an internship. So this is my plan B! (Just in case I won't find a HF who does not fit with me)
Have you ever listened about an internship?
An internship is like a work experience in a foreign country. You will be able to work there (doing an internship programm) during 18 months. The minimum is three months. Furthermore, If the company feels you can fit in their team, you can have the chance of being part of the company as a worker. I think it is a goog chance to start your professional career.
Doing an internship you can improve a new language, discovering a new country and enjoying your free time there.
Your CV will be stronger. You also should know that the companies really appreciate this experience to consider your application. I mean, when you apply for a job in the future.
You can find two ways of internship: non payed and payed. A lot of companies of so many different countries (US included) have internship programs and you can apply for them by too many websites.
United States of America:
All of you know that is pretty difficult to get the US (as a worker I mean). If you visit the website of the Department of Immigration you will see a lot of types of VISA. You will need a J-1 visa to do an internship. OH SURPRISE!! It is exactly the same than the au pair visa. Aupaircare always tell you the J-1 visa is just available for au pairs but it is not!
J-1 visa:
A J-1 visa is a non-immigrant visa issued by the United States to exchange visitors participating in programs that promote cultural exchange, especially to obtain medical or business training within the U.S. All applicants must meet eligibility criteria and be sponsored either by a private sector or government program.
So it is a visa for: internship program, trainee program, au pairs,...
What does aupaircare do for you? (I mean about VISA)
They are an sponsor. Aupaircare is sponsoring you (showing to the embassy you are going to do a cultural exchange, working as au pair). If you don't have an sponsor, you can not get a visa.
Anyway, you can find another companies focused to internship programs like:international internships but you will have to pay more than using an au pair company. You will pay more but you will get a good point in your CV and it will make easier to find a job in the future.
See youu girls!